Sunday 31 May 2009

Sunday 31st May 2009

The skyscapes here on Lewis are a never-ending source of pleasure to me.


  1. Simply gorgeous! Look at the rays shining through..and their beauty on the water. NICE!

    Hey, I've added you into my links on my photos blog...AND would love to have you as a guest some Friday, if you'll come for a visit :o). NOW you've been invited, officially ;o)

    ♥ to you ~ Heather

  2. Thank you Heather - I'll have to think about what to post! It's funny but being invited to post on someone else's blog immediately causes writer's/photographer's block... I suspect it will be an animally post. (OK so there isn't such a word as animally but there should be.)

  3. :) KINDRED, you are...Kindred!

    It's so nice to communicate with someone that seems so familiar to yourself, isn't it?

    I agree with your words, 100 percent. When I posted on Dan's blog, trying to find the right photo was maddening...of course, that happens when there are so many choices. I tend to do that with anything that I need to decide upon, where there is too much to choose from. I think that's why I do not enjoy shopping - I like everything and cannot decide upon anything; therefor, stick to the same old same.


    HAPPY ME - to know that you will be sharing! Everything you capture is perfect to share.


Comments are always welcome!